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Florida Orchid Growing: Month by Month


by Martin Motes, PhD


Second edition
ISBN: 978-0-9674343-7-7
2021, 216 pages

Martin Motes, a native Floridian, has been growing orchids south of Miami for over fifty years, man and boy. His guidance and advice come from a deep knowledge and practical experience of the local, subtropical world. Monthly guides lead the aspiring orchidist through the intricacies of the changing climate and growing conditions of the Florida year: its benefits and its dangers. Practical solutions to problems and to control and prevention of pests and diseases are offered. Growing materials and tools are suggested and their local sources are provided.

Written in a humorous and easily accessible style, Florida Orchid Growing will make everyone an expert. This Florida- specific guide will prove invaluable to subtropical and tropical growers everywhere.

In addition to updates on the latest in disease and pest control, the new edition contains an extensive chapter on control of Thrips giving growers the tools needed to control this ubiquitous pest. Over sixty years’ experience has shown that controlling Thrips consistently yields control of scale, mealy bugs and all other insect pests, including the wily cucaracha. A new chapter on “Advice for Snowbirds” helps our winter visitors leave their beloved orchids behind with more confidence that they will be fine upon their return. Finally, in the 12 years that have passed since the first edition of Florida Orchid Growing was published, molecular research has led to numerous name changes in genera. The new and proper nomenclature for many plants is incorporated in the new book.

Read sample chapters.

Now available in Spanish:
Cultivo de orquídeas en Florida mes por mes

Florida Orchid Growing: Month by Month / Martin Motes, Phd